'The Soul of the White Ant', Eugène Marais

19 February 2007

It was a sunny day in Rhodesia when the men came to kill the queen. I was 5 years old, and allowed to watch. The gang wielded pick-heads that sliced deep into the soil, just next to the wall of our house, in the small Midlands town of Gwelo.

'The Soul of the White Ant', Eugène Marais

Guerrillas & Giraffes

10 May 2007

'I was a racist,' writes Lauren St John, looking back on her upbringing on a Rhodesian farm during the death throes of white rule. 'A child and a product of my environment, yes, but still a racist.' That seems a hard judgement. After all, many of the experiences on wich she bases her memoirs happened during her pre-adolescent years; indeed, she was barely fourteen when the country's guerrilla was ended, and independent Zimbabwe was born.

Les fous d'Afrique

1 September 2008

Africa: Altered states, ordinary miracles
Beware - Africa can be addictive, warns Richard Dowden. What's more, he adds, it can drive you into the ranks of what the French call les fous d'Afrique - those who are driven mad by the continent.



Trillion Dollar Aid

1 April 2009

Dead aid: Why aid is not working and how there is another way for Africa.

Scramble for Africa

18 April 2009

A journalist distils his experiences into fiction.

Scramble for Africa
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